Kenya Freight Forwarding | Customs Clearance - Shipping Logistics
Aeromarine Capital Group is a Kenyan Freight Clearing and Forwarding company driven by the unwavering belief in its original ideology being the combination of flexibility, speed and innovative spirit of an ever changing team with strength, security and integrity of a major Freight Clearing & Forwarding, Shipping and Freight Logistics provider. With years of experience in Freight Clearing & Forwarding, shipping and Supply Chain Freight Logistics, Aeromarine Capital Kenya is known for offering reliable and efficient freight clearing & forwarding service throughout the world. Aeromarine Capital is dedicated to clearing & forwarding your freight and ensures expeditious customs clearance process. With Aeromarine Capital Kenya punctuality is guaranteed by our staunchness in your freight clearing & forwarding logistics from freight shipping to delivery.
Freight clearing & forwarding is essential service and our most important tool for our freight clearing & forwarding clients is personalized service. At Aeromarine Capital Kenya Customer service has been reinvented as the cutting edge of competitiveness in the freight Clearing and Forwarding and freight shipping logistics industry. As competition has become more intense in freight clearing & forwarding, service quality has become crucial determinant for creating overall clearing & forwarding client's satisfaction. Championed by a well established worldwide network from shipping lines to other prominent Freight Clearing and Forwarding Agents Aeromarine Capital Group is a reputed name not only in East Africa Freight Forwarders and air freight Arena but worldwide.
Sea Freight Forwarding
Sea freight clearing & forwarding options for LCL/FCL cover containerized, conventional, abnormal and Kenya project freight shipping.» F.C.L/LCL freight consolidation
» Custom clearance export/import
» Clearing, Warehousing services
Kenya Air Freight
Air freight Kenya clearing & forwarding customers have the choice of direct and consolidation services with a range of cost and service categories.» Custom clearance Export/Import
» Kenya forwarding, clearing, Warehousing, Distribution and delivery